Photos: Lakota Hosts Happy Hour for APA Conference
The American Planning Association recently held its national conference in Chicago and for the special occasion, we held a happy hour to bring together our friends in the planning world. While the location of the event was originally planned for our office courtyard, we moved it inside because it was a tad bit chilly (just... Read More
Categories: Around the Office
Reinvigorating Oak Park through Public Investment
What is the long-term value of investing in high-quality public spaces? And what impact do public infrastructure improvements have on private investment and placemaking? Daniel Grove, associate principal at The Lakota Group, and Scott Freres, principal/president, will be giving a tour of historic Marion Street in Oak Park for the National American Planning Association Conference... Read More
Categories: Awards + Accolades, Ideas + Research, In The News, Project Stories
My Ideal Urban Design/Planning Bookshelf
In response to one of 2012’s big holiday gifts for bibliophiles, My Ideal Bookshelf, in which various leading cultural figures provide a list of their favorite books, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and offer up my own personal list. However, in the spirit of this blog and for the sake of brevity (I... Read More
Categories: Ideas + Research