Downtown Peoria Historic District – Survey Nomination
Peoria, ILThe Downtown Peoria Historic District represents a diverse collection of commercial building types — retail and department stores, theaters, corporate headquarters, courthouses, and fraternal halls — all embodying downtown’s commercial development during the period of significance of 1867-1967. The district’s architectural styles range from the Italianate to the International Style and Modern expressions of the Post World War II period. The majority of buildings retain their historic appearance and integrity, especially those constructed at Mid-Century where such buildings have been relatively unaltered. Storefront alterations are common, and, in many cases, such changes are within the period of significance and contribute to the historic character of the district. The resources of the Historic District tell the story of a downtown that prospered from Peoria’s industrial and commercial growth during the 1870s through the turn of the century, and beyond to the 1950s and 60s when, in attempts to forestall downtown’s economic decline, urban renewal and the new Modernist building expressions would forever change downtown Peoria’s landscape.
The Downtown Peoria Historic District was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in December of 2018.